Freeze-dried red pepper, or sweet pepper in the vernacular, protects its red colorant e. flavonoid and vitamins A, C, E as antioxidants for the pathogenic properties of free radicals. Due to its pleasant, sharp buttery taste due to essential oils, this plant is suitable as an addition to salads. Thus, it is a great appetite enhancer and it promotes better digestion of food.
Freeze-dried red pepper is a good health enhancer
Freeze-dried red peppers can help prevent vascular diseases such as stroke, heart disease and cancer. In addition, it relieves fatigue and improves skin diseases. As peppers contain a lot of vitamin C (such as blackcurrants and lemon), at least 5-7 g of freeze-dried peppers cover the entire daily need for vitamin C. Red peppers contain more than 200 percent of daily vitamin C intake. In addition to a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps in the correct absorption of iron. If you are iron deficient, try combining red peppers with your iron source for maximum absorption. Folk medicine recommends drinking the juice of sweet pepper varieties or eating plenty of fresh peppers for those who have to work in conditions of high radioactivity or other contamination, as well as for patients with radiation and leukemia. Consumption of paprika has a stimulating effect, repels fatigue due to its high vitamin C content
In addition, red peppers are rich in vitamin A, which is as much as in carrots. Vitamin A and beta-carotene in red peppers provide good support for your overall vision and eye health.
It also contains a lot of fructose (fruit sugar), glucose, useful organic acids and mineral salts.
Because peppers contain a number of substances in the vitamin P complex that make blood vessels more elastic and capillaries stronger, it can reduce the risk of internal bleeding in stress and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin P has been shown to stimulate the thyroid gland and thus improve the body’s metabolism, keep the heart rhythmic and promote mental development. Vitamin P increases appetite, promotes digestion, disinfects the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and intestines.
Red peppers can burn more calories. Studies have shown that sweet red peppers can activate thermogenesis and increase the rate of metabolism. This plant does not contain capsaicin, which would make it hot and sweaty, but the pepper still has a mild thermogenic effect that increases metabolism without increasing heart rate and blood pressure like red pepper does.
Red pepper is an excellent source of vitamin B6 and folate. Both these vitamins and minerals can prevent anemia.